MORE (MOnitoring Recyclates for Europe)

Together we will achieve MORE


…is the slogan of the EuPC programme MORE. A unified, digital platform to monitor the use of recycled polymers in the European plastics converting industry. MORE is helping the plastics industry to become more circular by collecting the volume of recycled polymers that is used by plastics converting companies to create new products, and by stimulating a higher uptake of recycled polymers. 


The slogan represents both the strength we have as an industry when we work together across the EU as it does the challenge that lies before us: reaching a total of 10 million tonnes of recyclate use by 2025-2030. This is something we can only do together. (Source:


AVK Plastics receives MORE label


Following many other European companies in the plastics converting industry, AVK Plastics has joined this great initiative. Yearly AVK Plastics processes many thousands of tonnes recycled plastics. By cooperating with MORE, AVK strives to contribute to a transparent plastics industry and a circular economy. Therefore AVK Plastics is granted with the MORE label.


Want to learn MORE? Click here to visit the MORE website.

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